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Order Information & Returns

What payment methods do you have?

Our payment methods include:
PayPal, Apple Pay, GPay, Amex, Mastercard, Maestro and Visa.

What countries do you ship to?

We ship to all countries within the EU.
Do you live outside of the EU? Don't worry, we will soon ship to your country too! Stay tuned and subscribe to our newsletter.

When can I expect my order?

Estimated Delivery: Expect your order to arrive within 6-12 business days, depending on your region. For more information, please check here.

Parcel Tracking: Once your order is out for delivery, you will receive a confirmation and tracking number.
You can easily track your order through parcelsapp.com.

Delivery inquiries: If you haven't received your package within the timeframe specified, please don't hesitate to contact us.

There’s an item missing/damaged! My order is wrong.

Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong item, so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right.

How can I return my order?

We accept returns and exchanges for products that are unopened and retain their original commercial appearance, provided they were purchased from OYEYKO within 14 days of the delivery date.

To initiate a return, please reach out to us at hello@oyeyko.com with your full name and order number.

Upon approval of your return request, we will provide detailed instructions for returning your package. Please note that returns sent without prior approval will not be accepted. Unapproved methods of cancellation, such as refusing delivery or returning products without notification, will invalidate your eligibility for a refund.

For any inquiries regarding returns, feel free to contact us at hello@oyeyko.com

After we have received and inspected the returned items, we will process your refund and inform you via email. Refunds will be issued to the original payment method.

Products & Ingredients

Are OYEYKO products vegan?

The majority of OYEYKO products are vegan, with the exception of certain formulas that contain lanolin and beeswax.

Since all our products are ECOCERT certified, the lanolin and beeswax found in our formulas are produced in a strictly regulated way. From sheep farming and beekeeping to the way the ingredients are obtained, every step is monitored to ensure that animals are not harmed in any way.

Do you test on animals?

We believe that beauty should be cruelty free, which is why we don't test (and never will) on animals.

Are the products free from Parabens/Microplastics/Silicones/Mineral Oil and its derivatives?

Yes! You can be sure that all OYEYKO products are free from parabens, mineral oils, silicones, PEG, chemical UV filters, microplastics, synthetic fragrances, artificial colourants and other questionable ingredients.

What allergens do the products contain?

The most common allergens found in the products are Limonene, Linalool, Citral, Citronellol, Geraniol, Eugenol. The ingredients of each product are clearly listed on the product page, please check against the list to identify potential allergens.

Is your packaging environmentally friendly?

Yes – a big part of our ethos is creating eco-conscious products, which is why our product packaging is recyclable and made of BPA-free materials.
